Tuesday 20 October 2009

Evaluation of a School Magazine

I am writing an evaluation of a previous School magazine made by a media A level student last year in 2008. The title of this particular magazine is called 'FORTI6' i think that this title is very original and relates to the theme of the magazine perfectly. The '6' represents 6th form and the upper part of the school, highlighting the fact that the product is just for 6th form students as it only includes information relevant to them. 'FORTI' represents the first part of the school name, 'Fortismere' so students and any other potential readers are aware of what school they are reading about.

The girl in the image on the front cover looks stressed and weighed down with alot of school work, the pile of books on her desk suggests this even more so and its obvious she needs advice on how to keep up with all her school work.

The boxes dotted around the cover page shaped like stars easily catch the readers eye and make them aware of how significant they are. They have information about what the magazine includes which makes the reader more inclined to read it and have an insight of exactly what the magazine is going to be about. Although the shape is eye catching, i feel that the colours could have been bolder to stress significance and compliment the colours of the rest of the magazine. They have written extra additional information on the front cover on a post it note to make it look as though it is part of the students school work which is quite effective. They have tried to make it clear that student life doesn't have to be stressful and it can be made easy by reading their advice and what hey have to say, encouraging students to read the product.

However the cover of this magazine is quite empty, although there is useful and enticing information, there is very little of it, and as a result could push readers away. They use catchy slogans like 'Is revision taking over you life?' to relate to the reader and make them feel as if someone is on their side and trying to help them without being too patronising and disconcerting.