Tuesday 24 November 2009

School Magazine Contents Page

For my contents page, i wanted to make it as eye catching and colourful as possible. I used a range of different colours such as yellow, orange, pink, red, purple, blue, and green so that both sexes could appeal to it as it is a school magazine for all students. I decided to include the image of the crayons because i felt that it brought my contents page to life and added that extra 'edge' that it needed. I wanted to make sure that my contents page didn't give away too much information so that students actually have to read the magazine as well. For example: - '10 top revision tips', this meant that readers were encouraged to read exactly how they can improve their revision process. I decided to make the background colour a bright purple because i felt it complimented the rest of the colours on the page and made the product look lively. I chose to put the font of the information on each page in black because that is the colour that looked most clear against the purple background. I didn't want to have too many pages in my magazine as i didn't want to reader to think it was an overload of information and too boring to read. I decided that 12 pages was enough to satisfy my readers fully without being too long and over informative.
My main aim for my contents page was to catch the eye of the reader and i think i have achieved this, its meant to help the reader navigate their way through the magazine and allocate the articles most important to them.

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