Thursday 19 November 2009

School magazine front cover

This is the front cover of my school magazine. I am pleased with the overall final look of the product because i feel it appeals to my target audience and fits into the 'School magazine' genre.

I decided to make the title 'TETHERDOWN WEEKLY' a pink font to catch the eye of the reader at first glance and compliment the other colours on the page, such as the boy in the photo's t-shirt. To contrast with this, i decided to include a bright green circle to put information in that didn't blend in with the rest of the cover, so readers felt more inclined to read the information and find out exactly what the product is offering them.

I wanted my main image to be a student on a computer, this is because, a lot of education is done on the internet these days and i felt it also linked back to the subscription to 'student mail' which i have also included on the cover.

I chose to have the person in the photo looking at facebook, a social networking site. This is because i felt that not only is school used for education purposes, but it is also used to meet new people and develop your social life.

I decided to include a website on the front page because i felt this was a way for students to access each issue of the magazine and relate to articles they had read about in the magazine, such as competitions and special award schemes. Furthermore, i also felt it was a good way for students to get involved in extra curricular activities in and around school that would help with UCAS points on university applications, as these are sixth form students that start applying for university quite early on in the sixth form process.

I wanted to include enticing phrases like ' Exam stress? Your problems SOLVED' to make the reader feel almost like we are on their side and want to help them as much as possible. A lot of students struggle through A levels with exams looming over them so i decided to include punchy lines that would encourage them to read more and find out exactly how they can make exam life easier.

I feel that overall, my front cover is successful, if i was to make any changes to the product i would spend more time on the typography to make it that little bit more eye catching and professional to look at. For example: - experimenting with different bright and quirky colours and more interesting fonts.

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